General conditions of use of the website

Updated May 2024


The website accessible at the following address: (hereinafter the “Website”) is published by the company FAVI-LE LAITON INJECTE, a public limited company with a Board of Directors and a share capital of €960,000, registered with the Amiens Trade and Companies Register under number 778 151 563, with its registered office located at 14 Rue Louis Deneux, Hallencourt (80490) (hereinafter the “Company”). The Company can be contacted by email at the following address: or by phone at the following number: +33 (0) 3 22 28 20 50.

The Publishing Director is Eric ROUSSEAUX, in his capacity as President of the Company.

Website design and realization: NORD IMAGE – Frédéric HAUDIQUER – 80 Chaussée Marcadé, 80100 ABBEVILLE – Phone: +33 (0)3 22 19 21 19 –

The Website is hosted by the company OVH, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €10,174,560.00, registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419, with its registered office located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.

OVH can be contacted by email at the following address: and/or by phone at the following number: 0 899 701 761.


This document is intended to define the terms and conditions (hereinafter the “General Terms of Use” or “GTU”) under which the Company provides users (hereinafter the “Users”) with the possibility to browse and use the Website. The use of the Website implies full, complete, and unconditional acceptance of these GTU.


Before any use of the Website, the User must ensure that they have the technical and computer means to navigate and use the Website. They must also ensure that the IT configuration of their equipment is in good working order and does not contain viruses. The Company reserves the right to modify, revise, delete, validate, or change, in whole or in part, any content (hereinafter the “Content(s)”) appearing on or displayed on the Website. The Company may delete, change, or modify the Website and/or the Contents at any time.


By using the Website, Users agree:

  • To refrain from using the Website illegally, for any illegal purpose, or in a manner inconsistent with these GTU;
  • Not to use the Website to publish offensive, defamatory, harassing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or threatening statements, and/or statements that violate the privacy of others;
  • Not to sell, copy, reproduce, rent, loan, distribute, transfer, or sublicense all or part of the elements, information, and Contents appearing on the Website and/or allow any third party to use or access the Website for any purpose or to decompile, disassemble, disassemble, modify, display in a readable form by the User, attempt to discover any source code or use any software activating or comprising any part of the Website;
  • To respect other Users;
  • Not to collect and store personal data relating to other Users for any purpose;
  • Not to disseminate content that could incite the commission of crimes or offenses; provoke discrimination, racial hatred, and more generally, that could be contrary to the laws and regulations in force, these terms of use, and good morals and public order;
  • Not to disseminate ideological, religious, political, or ethnic claims;
  • Not to disseminate content likely to endanger minors, including the dissemination of messages of a violent or pornographic nature;
  • Not to attempt to mislead other Users by impersonating the name or pseudonym of others;
  • Not to display, transmit by email, or in any other way any element that violates any patent, registered trademark, trade secret, intellectual property right, or any other property right belonging to others;
  • Not to display, transmit by email, or in any other way unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material (including engaging in “spam” or any other form of solicitation);
  • Not to use the Website abusively by intentionally introducing viruses or any other malicious program and attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Website;
  • Not to disparage the Website and/or the Company and/or other Users on social networks or any other means of communication.

If, for any reason, the Company considers that Users do not comply with these GTU, it may at any time, and at its sole discretion, delete their access to the Website and take all measures, including legal action against them.


Each User agrees that all the information they provide, particularly that concerning them, is adequate, accurate, up-to-date, and complete. To this end, they agree to update it regularly. The User acknowledges that the Company does not have the material means to verify the truthfulness of all the information present on the Website. The Company cannot therefore be held responsible in case of identity theft or the provision of false or misleading information. The Company also does not guarantee the relevance, legality, integrity, or quality of the information transmitted by Users.


By accessing the Website, Users expressly acknowledge that the Website and the Contents made available to Users, including images, photographs, design, graphics, drawings, models, layouts, logos, trademarks, texts, etc., are the exclusive property of the Company and are protected by French intellectual property law as well as by applicable international treaties and agreements on intellectual property rights. As such, they cannot be reproduced without the express authorization of the Company under penalty of civil and criminal prosecution. The Company is the sole holder of all rights, titles, and interests in the Website and the Contents, including all intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, all rights related to copyrights, design rights, trademarks, trade names, company names, domain names, technology, know-how, processes, formulas, source codes and executable codes, data, and similar rights, including information relating to any application, registration, or renewal thereof that may be protected by the intellectual property laws, regulations, or rules of any country. The Company grants a non-exclusive license to Users to use the Website and the Contents strictly in accordance with these GTU. Any reproduction, representation,

adaptation, exploitation, distribution, dissemination, commercial use, translation, arrangement, transformation, or creation of derivative or composite works of all or part of the works and/or any other Content appearing on the Website, on any medium and by any process, whether current or future, is expressly prohibited. Such actions may constitute acts of infringement subject to civil and criminal penalties, engaging the liability of their author. The systematic and repeated extraction of information and Contents appearing on the Website is strictly prohibited and sanctioned under intellectual property law and the sui generis right of databases. Any illegal extraction may result in civil and criminal liability for its author.


The Company disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party, beyond its control, that has led to a modification or alteration of the information/Contents appearing on the Website or has caused harm to any User of this Website; and more generally for any damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, caused by anyone’s access to the Website or the inability to access it, beyond its control. The Company cannot be held responsible for any technical problems or failures related to telephone networks, online computer systems, servers, Internet providers, computer equipment, and/or software of Users.


The hypertext links established on the Website to other websites or other sources or Internet content (hereinafter “External Sources”) do not engage the responsibility of the Company. Insofar as the Company cannot control these External Sources, the User acknowledges that the Company cannot be held responsible for the availability of these External Sources and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services, or any other material available on or from these External Sources.


“Favi” and all trademarks and logos belonging to the Company are trademarks protected by French intellectual property law (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Trademarks”). Unless expressly authorized in writing by the Company, the User agrees not to use or disseminate the Trademarks in any way. This prohibition extends to all signs reproducing the Company’s Trademarks, such as, but not limited to, corporate names, trade names, signs, domain names, designs, or models, etc.


The provisions relating to the protection of personal data are included in the Privacy Policy available on the Website.


These GTU are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law, without regard to conflict of laws rules. In the event of a dispute that may arise from the interpretation and/or execution of these GTU or in connection with these GTU, the competent courts will be those designated in the Code of Civil Procedure.


These GTU are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French version will be binding in the event of a dispute.


The Company can be contacted at any time by phone at the following number: +33 (0)3 22 28 20 50, or by email at the following address: The Company can be contacted by mail at the following postal address: 14 Rue Louis Deneux, 80490 Hallencourt.